One of the things i’ve loved about having more than 10 minutes to spare in the morning is being able to make a half decent breakfast. Instead of a sad looking bowl of porridge or a cereal bar on the go, I’ve been experimenting with different types of breakfasts from blogs and cookbooks I’ve read. Some of my favs are…
The nakd kitchen
Deliciously ella
The happy pear
Lucy Watson
Avant garden vegan
Here are some of the (extra) meals I’ve come with in the mornings.
What my bowl looks like most days // Porridge, almond milk, chia seeds, cinnamon, mix. Top with any fruit in the house, probably frozen berries and some kiwis and some type of nut butter/seeds //
Another porridge bowl // Topped with apple, strawberries, PB. The best combo.//
For warmer days // Frozen banana, berries, water/almond milk, hemp seeds (Gotta get the omegas in) Top with seeds, homemade granola and berries //
If I’m craving cereal '// Homemade granola, basically taken inspo from this fancy one i found in wholefoods that I refuse to pay the crazy price for. Have with almond milk + banana/ berries.//
The last porridge bowl // Rasberries and apple, SUCH a good combo.//